AB720,16,2525 (b) An adult son or daughter of the deceased.
1(c) A parent of the deceased.
AB720,17,22 (d) An adult brother or sister of the deceased.
AB720,17,33 (e) A person appointed as such by the circuit court.
AB720, s. 31 4Section 31. 979.01 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,17,6 5979.01 (title) Reporting deaths required; penalty; taking specimens by
6coroner or medical examiner
jurisdiction for investigating deaths.
AB720, s. 32 7Section 32. 979.01 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,17,188 979.01 (1) (a) If a death occurs outside of a hospital, physician's office, nursing
9home, or hospice, as defined in s. 50.90 (1), and is not required to be reported under
10par. (b) or (c), a law enforcement officer, health care provider, or funeral director who
11has knowledge of the death and any person who discovers the body or remains of a
12deceased individual shall immediately report the death to the coroner or medical
13examiner in the county in which the individual was pronounced dead or in which the
14deceased's body or remains were located except that a person who is required to
15report a death because he or she discovered a body or the remains of a deceased
16individual may report the death to a law enforcement officer in lieu of reporting the
17death to the coroner or medical examiner. Deaths that are required to be reported
18under this paragraph include all of the following:
AB720,17,1919 1. A death that involves unexplained, unusual, or suspicious circumstances.
AB720,17,2020 2. A death that the person has reason to believe is the result of a homicide.
AB720,17,2121 3. A death that the person has reason to believe is the result of a suicide.
AB720,17,2322 4. A death of a woman that is associated with an abortion, as defined in s. 253.10
23(2) (a).
AB720,18,224 5. A death, if the person has reason to believe that an injury or poisoning was
25a contributing cause of the death, whether or not the person has reason to believe

1that the injury or poisoning was the primary cause of the death and regardless of the
2interval between the injury or poisoning and the death.
AB720,18,43 6. A death that occurred when the individual was not under the care of a
4physician for the illness or condition that caused the death.
AB720,18,85 7. A death, if after reasonable efforts, a physician cannot within 6 days after
6the pronouncement of death, or sooner under circumstances that the coroner or
7medical examiner determines to be an emergency, be obtained to sign the medical
8certification as required under s. 69.18 (2) (b) or (c).
AB720,18,119 8. A death that the person has reason to believe is associated with the abuse
10of a chemical substance that may be legally used or with the use of a controlled
11substance, as defined in s. 961.01 (4).
AB720,18,1512 9. A death that the person has reason to believe is associated with an epidemic
13or pandemic, with the spread of a dangerous communicable disease, as defined by the
14department of health services, or with a disease-causing agent that may pose a
15threat to public health.
AB720,18,1816 (b) A law enforcement officer shall immediately report to the coroner or medical
17examiner in the county in which an individual was pronounced dead all of the
AB720,18,2019 1. A death that occurs while an individual is in the actual or constructive
20custody of a law enforcement officer.
AB720,18,2221 2. A death of an individual that occurs during the pursuit of the individual by
22a law enforcement officer or otherwise involves a law enforcement officer.
AB720,19,223 3. A death that occurs while the individual is confined in a federal prison in this
24state, a state prison, county jail or house of correction, a juvenile correctional facility,
25as defined in s. 938.02 (10p), or a juvenile detention facility, as defined in s. 938.02

1(10r), or is otherwise incarcerated in the custody of the department or of a county
AB720,19,63 (c) A facility where a deceased individual was being detained or
4institutionalized under s. 51.20, 971.14, or 971.17 or ch. 980 at the time of his or her
5death shall immediately report the death to the coroner of medical examiner in the
6county where the facility is located.
AB720,19,97 (d) A health care provider shall immediately report a death that occurs in a
8physician's office, as defined in s. 460.01 (5), to the coroner or medical examiner in
9the county in which the physician's office is located.
AB720,19,1210 (e) A hospital shall immediately report to the coroner or medical examiner in
11the county in which the hospital is located a death that occurs at the hospital and
12satisfies any of the following conditions:
AB720,19,1313 1. The death occurred in the emergency department of the hospital.
AB720,19,1614 2. The death was not the result of a natural disease process. For purposes of
15this subdivision, deaths described in par. (a) 1. to 5., 8., and 9. are not considered to
16be the result of a natural disease process.
AB720,19,2117 (f) A nursing home shall immediately report to the coroner or medical examiner
18in the county in which the nursing home is located a death that occurs at the nursing
19home and that the nursing home has reason to believe was not the result of a natural
20disease process. For purposes of this paragraph, deaths described in par. (a) 1. to 5.,
218., and 9. are not considered to be the result of a natural disease process.
AB720,19,2422 (g) 1. A hospice shall report a death that occurred while an individual was
23receiving care from the hospice in accordance with the written policy created under
24subd. 2. that applies to the county in which the death occurred.
12. A coroner or medical examiner shall create and distribute to each hospice
2that operates in the county under his or her jurisdiction a written policy that
3describes the circumstances under which a hospice must report to the coroner or
4medical examiner a death that occurs while an individual is receiving care from the
AB720, s. 33 6Section 33. 979.01 (1d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,20,97 979.01 (1d) Notwithstanding sub. (1), no person specified in sub. (1) need
8report a death under sub. (1) if that person knows that another person specified in
9sub. (1) has already reported the death to a coroner or medical examiner.
AB720, s. 34 10Section 34. 979.01 (1g) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB720,20,1311 979.01 (1g) If a law enforcement officer is notified of a death under sub. (1), the
12law enforcement officer shall immediately notify the coroner or medical examiner in
13the county in which the body or human remains were located.
AB720, s. 35 14Section 35. 979.01 (1i) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,20,1915 979.01 (1i) If a coroner or medical examiner is notified of a death under sub.
16(1) and determines that the death was caused by a crime, injury, trauma, or other
17event in a county other than the county in which the death was reported, the coroner
18or medical examiner shall notify the coroner or medical examiner in the county in
19which the crime, injury, trauma, or other event is believed to have occurred.
AB720, s. 36 20Section 36. 979.01 (1k) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,20,2421 979.01 (1k) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), if a death must be reported under
22sub. (1), the coroner or medical examiner in the county in which the crime, injury,
23trauma, or other event that caused the death occurred has jurisdiction to investigate
24the cause and manner of death.
1(b) If there is reason to believe that a death that must be reported under sub.
2(1) was caused by a crime, injury, trauma, or other event that occurred outside this
3state, or if after reasonable efforts it cannot be determined where the crime, injury,
4trauma, or other event that caused the death occurred, the coroner or medical
5examiner in the county in which death is pronounced has jurisdiction to investigate
6the cause and manner of death.
AB720, s. 37 7Section 37. 979.01 (1m) of the statutes is renumbered 979.01 (1m) (a) and
8amended to read:
AB720,21,139 979.01 (1m) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b), the coroner or medical
10examiner receiving notification under sub. (1) or (1g) who has jurisdiction to
11investigate a death under this section
shall immediately, within a reasonable time
12after receiving notice of the death,
notify the district attorney for his or her county
13of the death
AB720, s. 38 14Section 38. 979.01 (1m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,21,1715 979.01 (1m) (b) Except as provided in s. 979.04 (2), the coroner or medical
16examiner is not required to notify the district attorney of any deaths for which the
17district attorney, in writing, waives notice.
AB720, s. 39 18Section 39. 979.01 (1p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,21,2019 979.01 (1p) A coroner or medical examiner who receives notice of a death under
20sub. (1), or his or her designee, shall notify the deceased's next of kin of the death.
AB720, s. 40 21Section 40. 979.01 (1r) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,22,222 979.01 (1r) If the coroner or medical examiner is notified of a death under sub.
23(1) or (1g) and determines that his or her notification of the death was not required
24under sub. (1) or (1g),
the discovery of human remains under this section and

1determines that the human remains have no forensic significance,
he or she shall
2notify the director of the historical society under s. 157.70 (3).
AB720, s. 41 3Section 41. 979.01 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 979.01 (2) (a) and
4amended to read:
AB720,22,75 979.01 (2) (a) Any Except as provided in par. (b), any person who violates this
6section shall
sub. (1) may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than
790 days or both.
AB720, s. 42 8Section 42. 979.01 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,22,109 979.01 (2) (b) Any partnership, association, organization, institution, or body
10politic or corporate that violates sub. (1) may be fined not more than $10,000.
AB720, s. 43 11Section 43. 979.01 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 44 12Section 44. 979.01 (3m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 45 13Section 45. 979.01 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 979.105 and amended to
AB720,23,6 15979.105 Authorization to embalm or dispose of a body. No person may
16embalm or perform an autopsy on dispose of, by burial, entombment, cremation,
17delivery to a university or school under s. 157.02 (3), or delivery to a medical or dental
18school anatomy department under s. 157.06,
the body of any person who has died
19under any of the circumstances listed in this section unless the person obtains the

20individual whose death must be reported under s. 979.01 (1) without the written
21authorization of the coroner of the county in which the injury or cause of death
22occurred. Such authorization shall be issued by the
or medical examiner who has
23jurisdiction to investigate the death under s. 979.01. An authorization under this
24section shall include information necessary to identify the deceased, the date and
25place of death, the name of the funeral director or person acting in the place of the

1funeral director, and shall specify that the authorization does not override the wishes
2of the next of kin of the deceased with respect to disposition of the body. The
3or a deputy within 12 hours after notification of the reportable death, or medical
4examiner, or his or her designee, shall issue an authorization under this section
5soon thereafter as possible in the event of unexplained, unusual or suspicious
after being notified of the death.
AB720, s. 46 7Section 46. 979.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,23,14 8979.015 Subpoena for documents. Upon the request of the coroner, medical
9examiner, or district attorney, a court shall issue a subpoena requiring the
10production of documents necessary for the determination of a decedent's relevant to
11determining the
cause or manner of a deceased's death. The documents may include
12the decedent's patient health care records and treatment records, as defined in ss.
1351.30 and 146.81 (4).
The documents shall be returnable to the officer named in the
AB720, s. 47 15Section 47. 979.017 of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,23,21 16979.017 Custody of and authorization to move a body. (1) The coroner
17or medical examiner who has jurisdiction to investigate a death under s. 979.01 has
18legal custody of the deceased's body until he or she releases the body for disposition.
19Temporary transfer of a deceased's body for the purpose of removing a body part that
20is the subject of an anatomical gift under s. 157.06 does not constitute release of legal
21custody of the body.
AB720,24,2 22(2) If an individual's death must be reported under s. 979.01 (1), no person may
23move the individual's body at or from the scene of death without authorization from
24the coroner or medical examiner to whom the death was first reported under s.

1979.01, except if it is necessary to move the body to perform search or rescue
2operations for living individuals.
AB720, s. 48 3Section 48. 979.02 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,24,4 4979.02 (title) Autopsies and other diagnostic procedures.
AB720, s. 49 5Section 49. 979.02 of the statutes is renumbered 979.02 (1) and amended to
AB720,24,237 979.02 (1) The coroner, or medical examiner or district attorney who has
8jurisdiction to investigate a death under s. 979.01
may order the conducting of that
9an autopsy upon or other appropriate diagnostic procedure be performed on the body
10of a dead person any place within the state in cases where an inquest might be had
11as provided in s. 979.04 notwithstanding the fact that no such inquest is ordered or
12conducted. The autopsy shall be conducted by a licensed physician who has
13specialized training in pathology. The district attorney may move the circuit court
14for the county in which the body is buried for an order disinterring the body for
15purposes of autopsy. The order shall be granted by the circuit court upon a
16reasonable showing that any of the criteria specified in s. 979.04 exists. This section
17does not prevent additional autopsies or examinations of the body if there are
18unanswered pathological questions concerning the death and the causes of death
19deceased, or may extract from the body any specimen, bodily fluids, other bodily
20material, or other material for analysis that will assist him or her in conducting a
21death investigation. The coroner or medical examiner shall dispose of specimens,
22fluids, and materials that are no longer of use in the investigation in accordance with
23standard biological material practices and county evidence retention rules
AB720, s. 50 24Section 50. 979.02 (2) to (7) of the statutes are created to read:
1979.02 (2) The coroner or medical examiner who has jurisdiction to investigate
2a death under s. 979.01, or his or her designee, shall order that an autopsy and any
3other appropriate diagnostic procedure be performed on the body of the deceased if
4any of the following applies:
AB720,25,75 (a) The coroner or medical examiner has reason to believe that the death
6resulted from a criminal act, unless the district attorney waives the requirement for
7an autopsy.
AB720,25,98 (b) The death must be reported under s. 979.01 (1) (b) or (c), unless the district
9attorney waives the requirement for an autopsy.
AB720,25,1110 (c) The deceased was under 18 years of age and the death is unexplained or
AB720,25,13 12(3) If the conditions for ordering an inquest under s. 979.04 (1) are satisfied,
13the district attorney may order an autopsy conducted on the body of a deceased.
AB720,25,15 14(4) An autopsy ordered under this section may be performed only by a licensed
15physician who has undergone specialized training in pathology.
AB720,25,18 16(5) The requirement to order an autopsy under sub. (2) does not preclude a
17coroner or medical examiner from allowing the removal of a body part that is the
18subject of an anatomical gift under s. 157.06.
AB720,25,25 19(6) Except if ordered under sub. (3), no person may perform an autopsy on the
20body of an individual whose death must be reported under s. 979.01 (1) without the
21written authorization of the coroner or medical examiner who has jurisdiction to
22investigate the death under s. 979.01. In cases in which the coroner or medical
23examiner issues an authorization to perform an autopsy, the coroner or medical
24examiner shall, if possible, issue the authorization within 12 hours after being
25notified of the death, or as soon as possible thereafter.
1(7) If the coroner or medical examiner who has jurisdiction to investigate a
2death under s. 979.01 determines that an autopsy or analysis of specimens, bodily
3fluids, or other bodily materials is not required for an investigation of a death that
4must be reported under s. 979.01 (1) and a representative of the deceased inquires
5about performance of an autopsy or analysis of specimens, bodily fluids, or other
6bodily materials, the coroner or medical examiner shall inform the representative of
7the deceased that the representative of the deceased may contract for
8pathology-related services at his or her own expense.
AB720, s. 51 9Section 51. 979.025 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,26,10 10979.025 (title) Autopsy Investigation of death of a correctional inmate.
AB720, s. 52 11Section 52. 979.025 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,26,2012 979.025 (1) Inmate confined to an institution in this state. If a coroner or
13medical examiner determines that the death of
an individual dies, who died while
14he or she is in the legal custody of the department and confined to a correctional
15facility located in this state, the coroner or medical examiner of the county where the
16death occurred shall perform an autopsy on the deceased individual. If the coroner
17or medical examiner who performs the autopsy determines that the individual's
may have been the result of any of the situations that would permit the district
19attorney to order an inquest under s. 979.04 (1), the coroner or medical examiner
20shall follow the procedures under s. 979.04 (2).
AB720, s. 53 21Section 53. 979.025 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,27,922 979.025 (2) Inmate confined in an institution in another state. If an
23individual dies while he or she is in the legal custody of the department and confined
24to a correctional facility in another state under a contract under s. 301.07, 301.21,
25or 302.25, the department shall have an autopsy and any other appropriate

1diagnostic procedure
performed by an appropriate authority in the other state or, if
2the body is returned to this state,
by order of the coroner or medical examiner of the
3county in which the circuit court is located that sentenced the individual to the
4custody of the department. If the coroner or medical examiner who performs orders
5the autopsy or other diagnostic procedure in this state determines that the
6individual's death may have been the result of any of the situations that would
7permit the district attorney to order an inquest under s. 979.04 (1), the coroner or
8medical examiner shall forward the results of the autopsy or other diagnostic
to the appropriate authority in the other state.
AB720, s. 54 10Section 54. 979.025 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB720,27,1411 979.025 (3) Costs of an autopsy and diagnostic procedure. The costs of an
12autopsy or other diagnostic procedure performed under sub. (1) or (2) or performed
13on an inmate confined in a correctional facility in this state whose death must be
14reported under s. 979.01 (1) (b)
shall be paid by the department.
AB720, s. 55 15Section 55. 979.027 of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,27,24 16979.027 Disinterment for autopsy or other diagnostic procedure. The
17district attorney may move the circuit court for the county in which a body is buried
18for an order disinterring the body for the purpose of conducting an autopsy or other
19diagnostic procedures. The order shall be granted by the circuit court upon a
20reasonable showing that any of the criteria specified in s. 979.04 (1) exists. The clerk
21of the circuit court shall send a copy of the order to the coroner or medical examiner
22in the county in which the body is buried. Upon receipt of the order, the coroner or
23medical examiner shall issue a permit for disinterment and reinterment under s.
2469.18 (4) (c).
AB720, s. 56 25Section 56. 979.03 of the statutes is repealed.
AB720, s. 57
1Section 57. 979.032 of the statutes is created to read:
AB720,28,4 2979.032 Coroner or medical examiner investigation records. (1) The
3coroner or medical examiner shall create and maintain for each investigation
4conducted under s. 979.01 a record that contains all of the following:
AB720,28,55 (a) The full name of the deceased and any known alias used by the deceased.
AB720,28,66 (b) A coroner or medical examiner case number.
AB720,28,77 (c) A case activity log.